Entry Point™ Course: Live Patient Treatment
Roseman University, South Jordan, Utah | October 11-12, 2024 | Dr. Barry Hillam
Our Live Patient Treatment course is the heart of the Entry Point™ experience.
Our live patient treatment courses are the single most effective step you can take in integrating dental implants into your own practice. This 22 CE course is book-ended with treatment planning and debrief sessions that offer tremendous additional value; in addition to learning more from your own cases, you will learn a wide variety of information from your colleagues. We invite you to join us.
Planificación 3D & Cirugía Guiada
Cambados ( España) | October 4-5, November 29-30 | Dr. Xulio Pouso
- Quieres dominar el Escáner Intraoral, CBCT...
- Mejorar la Planificación 3D con un
- Software Libre de casa de implantes.
- Mejorar la precisión de tus tratamientos.
- Reduce el tiempo de sillón de tus pacientes.
- Tratamientos mínimamente invasivos.
- Deja que tu prótesis sea quien te guie tus implantes.
- Coloca implantes en zonas de mayor compromiso y con más seguridad.
- Consigue mejor estabilidad en los implantes post extracción.
- Tener preparada la carga inmediata.
- Poder tener pilares de cicatrización customizados.
Online Course
Curso Avanzado de Implantología Digital
Online ( Guayaquil - Ecuador ) | 5 y 6 de Octubre, 2024 | Dr. Andrés Gabriel Larreta Gutiérrez
Dos días de curso intensivo que cubren el manejo y diseño avanzado de la Implantología digital con el sistema de implantes BlueSky.
Cubre todos los puntos claves para planificar y diseñar:
Stackable Surgical Guides (pines H-M y con imanes)
Guías para implantes cigomáticos
Guía para apicectomía
Guarda miorelajante
Guía para corticotomías
En el curso se cubrirán todos los pasos para el diseño y planificación de estos casos. Se compartirá el desarrollo primero por Zoom de los ejercicios y luego que los participantes los realicen y se los pueda asistir por Anydesk de forma remota.
Cupos limitados
Conscious Implant Training
Dominican Republic | November 11-13, 2024 | Dr. Asha Rani, Dr. Billy Graves
An in-person, 3-day, patient-centered implant experience.
In this 3-day training, we focus on honing the skills and intuition required to treatment plan and place implants on patients successfully - while maintaining a holistic, total health approach!
FREE BlueSkyBio.University Webinar
Endodontics from Treatment to Restoration
Webinar | November 20, 2024 | Dr. John C. Flucke
The object of this webinar presentation are:
1. Effective and efficient instrumentation
2. Irrigation protocols
3. Proper post placement and technique
Online Course
Sinus Lift 101
Online | October 30, 2024 | Dr. Robert Mikhli
By the end of the course, you'll be able to confidently
- Select the most appropriate sinus lift approach based on the selection criteria of crestal versus lateral sinus approach
- Evaluate radiographs to identify the sinus cavity
- Choose the right graft material
- Manage complications and plan treatments with confidence
Online Course
Adding Sinus Lifts to Your Practice
Online | November 17, 2024 | Dr. Robert Mikhli
By the end of the course, you'll be able to confidently
- Select the most appropriate sinus lift approach based on the selection criteria of crestal versus lateral sinus approach
- Evaluate radiographs to identify the sinus cavity
- Choose the right graft material
- Manage complications and plan treatments with confidence
Entry Point™ Course: Live Patient Treatment
Roseman University, South Jordan, Utah | December 6-7, 2024 | Dr. Barry Hillam
Our Live Patient Treatment course is the heart of the Entry Point™ experience.
Our live patient treatment courses are the single most effective step you can take in integrating dental implants into your own practice. This 22 CE course is book-ended with treatment planning and debrief sessions that offer tremendous additional value; in addition to learning more from your own cases, you will learn a wide variety of information from your colleagues. We invite you to join us.
Online Course On Demand
BlueSkyPlan Training - Clear Aligners Design and Fabrication
On Demand | 7hrs of CE , AGD CODE: 370 Orthodontics | Released August 2024 | Dr. Baron Grutter
This On Demand course was created from a recording of a recent hands-on course. The benefit of a recorded live course over a stand-along recording is that the viewer benefits from the live discussions that always occur in a classroom setting.
In this course, we will be covering the basics of Clear Aligner Case Design and Fabrication. We will start from the basics of diagnostics, case selection, case workup, and how to implement model printing and tray fabrication in-office. Attendees will have the tools and strategies to implement the protocols the day they return to their practices. We will show you how to setup your cases as efficiently as possible and help you to delegate as much as possible. This course will not be for the faint of heart. We will be working hard and not holding back.
Online Course On Demand
BlueSkyPlan Training - Guided Surgery
On Demand | 7hrs of CE, AGD CODE: 690 Implants | Released Jun 2024 | Dr. Baron Grutter
This On Demand course was created from a recording of a recent hands-on course. The benefit of a recorded live course over a stand-along recording is that the viewer benefits from the live discussions that always occur in a classroom setting.
In this course, we will be covering the basics of Guided Surgery including some more advanced strategies for full arch guides (even a BONUS peek into bone reduction guides).
Attendees will have the tools and strategies to implement both protocols the day they return to their practices.
We will show you how to design surgical guides in just minutes and help you to delegate as much as possible.
Online Course On Demand
Cours complet en ligne de chirurgie guidée
Online | On Demand | Dr. Arnaud Jeu
Il s’agit d’un cours complet, de la pose d’un implant unitaire sur une crête édentée, jusqu’aux mises en charge immédiates de prothèses complètes en extraction – implantation immédiate. La puissance de l’implantologie numérique pour votre exercice quotidien à l’aide du logiciel Blue Sky Plan.
Online Course
Site-Specific Tx Planning Using CBCT Imaging
Online | On Demand | Dr. Barry Hillam
Learn a methodical and repeatable approach to CBCT-based tx planning that will give you confidence in the operatory. This course is a required pre-requisite for those who are enrolling in the Entry Point™ live patient treatment sessions.
While this course is a critical part of the Entry Point™ continuum, it can also be taken as a standalone course. It is ideally suited for those who are already trained in implantology, but who do not yet feel comfortable with CBCT scanning and DICOM manipulation.
NOTE: First Hour of the course is offered for free:
Online Course On Demand
Denture Magic: 3 Step Dentures
Online | On Demand | Dr. Russell Schafer
This 90-minute online course is designed to turn the normally frustrating and unpredictable process of denture creation into a simple, streamlined, and more profitable aspect of your practice, all while delivering better outcomes for your patients. Also Dr. Schafer includes the files to 3d Print your own denture trays to do your own 3 Step dentures as well as has a video to show how to use Blue Sky Plan to design dentures.
Videocorso Gratuito!
Corso Di Fotogrammetria Facciale 3D A Partire Da Immagini Fotografiche Del Paziente
Corsi Video OnLine | Dr. Luca Borro
In questo videocorso COMPLETAMENTE GRATUITO imparerai a scattare delle fotografie al volteo del paziente e a trasformarle in un modello 3D facciale pronto per essere importato nei software di modellazione 3D dentale tra cui, soprattutto, il software 3D gratuito per Chirurgia Guidata e Ortodonzia Digitale “BlueSkyPlan”.
Online Course On Demand
Corso Base - Intermedio Chirurgia Implantare computer guidata
con BlueSkyPlan
Corsi Video OnLine A Pagamento | Montecchiani dott. Sandro
La Pianificazione implantare computer guidata è una realtà oramai consolidata da alcuni decenni, ma ha sempre stentato a diffondersi tra i Dentisti, a causa forse degli eccessivi costi e della scarsa dimestichezza con i sistemi informatici. Eppure molti di questi ostacoli sono stati in questi ultimi anni superati; ognuno di noi, anche il più refrattario, si è dovuto adattare ad usare il computer per svariati motivi, ed oggi, nell’ era della realtà virtuale, è anacronistico non sfruttare i vantaggi molteplici che ci vengono offerti dalla Diagnosi 3D, dalla Pianificazione Implantare Guidata e dall’ utilizzo delle Dime chirurgiche per un preciso posizionamento implantare favorendo e migliorando anche la successiva riabilitazione protesica.
Online Course On Demand
Global Blue Sky: Implantes + Prótesis
Online Course | On Demand | Dr. Ronar Gudiño, Dr. Carlos Petit Lorusso
La actualidad de la implantología mundial exige al odontólogo el manejo básico y avanzado del entorno y el flujo de trabajo digital. Tenemos el gusto de invitarlos a lo que será su guía de aprendizaje para dominar las herramientas de tratamiento en implantes dentales y cirugía guiada.
Online Course On Demand
Advanced Course
Individual Online Course On Demand | Dr. David Ovidiu - Tiberiu
Conditions for obtaining a CBCT acquisition usable in creating surgical guides
Explanation of Blue Sky Plan software workflows from CBCT acquisition to STL export of the surgical guide.
Manually and automatic overlapping the patient's digital model over the CBCT acquisition. Minimizing overlapping deviations.
Implants insersion, adding custom sleeves and offset calculation depending on the type of implant
Stl manipulation, importing, checking files for planning surgical guides and preparing files for 3DPrinting.
Choosing the corect system of workflow depending on the patient's existing situation in different types of edentations
Sleeves and accessories - examples of where you can buy them and how to use them
Design and implementation of bone regularization guides
The participant will have his own laptop and mouse. Software package included, will be installed through remote connection with AnyDesk on trainee PC prior the event.
Price: 600 €, 6 free exports, software instal + one 3Dprinted guide included (stl file).
Date: On request scheduled on: Course duration 6 hours.
Language: english or romanian.
Online Course
Corsi Individuali “One-To-One”
Chirurgia e Ortodonzia Digitale Con Il Software 3D Gratuito BlueSkyPlan
In Diretta OnLine | Su Appuntamento | Dr. Luca Borro
Assistenza E Tutoring Individuale Su BlueSkyPlan:
- Formazione One-To-One Con Formatore Autorizzato BlueSkyBio Dal 2017!
- Formazione Individuale Pratica Per Ottimizzare La Pianificazione Chirurgica E Ortodontica Con Il
Relatore A Tua Disposizione Durante E Dopo Il Corso.
- Risparmia Tempo E Risorse Con Un Apprendimento Più Veloce Ed Efficace Di BlueSkyPlan Sui Tuoi Casi Clinici Specifici Con Un Approccio Diretto E Individuale Con Il Docente.
Online Course On Demand
2Day Digital Orthodontics - Live Course Recording
Online | On Demand | Dr. Baron Grutter
This is an edited down recording of a live course held in my office and streamed online. This allows the viewer to review all the same content delivered in the course, at his or her leisure.
Online Course On Demand
Beginner Course
Individual Online Course On Demand | Dr. David Ovidiu - Tiberiu
Brief presentation of CBCT software on the market and dicom and stl file types.
Dicom file types: singleframe and multiframe
Conditions for obtaining a CBCT acquisition usable in creating surgical guides
Explanation of Blue Sky Plan software workflows from CBCT acquisition to STL export of the surgical guide.
Manually and automatic overlapping the patient's digital model over the CBCT acquisition. Minimizing overlapping deviations.
Implants insersion, adding custom sleeves and offset calculation depending on the type of implant
Stl manipulation, importing, checking files for planning surgical guides and preparing files for 3DPrinting.
Choosing the corect system of workflow depending on the patient's existing situation in different types of edentations
Sleeves and accessories - examples of where you can buy them and how to use them
Each participant will have his own laptop and mouse. Software package included, will be installed through remote connection with AnyDesk on trainee PC prior the event.
Price: 300 € , 6 free exports, software install
Date: On request scheduled on: Course duration 3 hours.
Language: english or romanian.
Online Course
Corso Tecnico Pratico Di "BlueSkyPlan": Software 3D Gratuito Per Chirurgia Guidata
VIDEOREGISTRAZIONE del corso di: Sabato 13 Luglio 2024 | Dr. Luca Borro
BlueSkyPlan è l’unico software 3D di Chirurgia Guidata completamente gratuito e certificato CE per l’utilizzo clinico.
Questo è un corso tecnico-pratico che vuole insegnare l’utilizzo avanzato di “BlueSkyPlan” per progettare dime chirurgiche implantari dai casi semplici (monoedentulie) ai casi implantari complessi (edentulie totali).
Puoi acquistare la partecipazione al Corso in Diretta Web oppure la sola videoregistrazione del corso qualora non potrai essere presente alla diretta.
Se parteciperai al corso in diretta al termine del corso ti verrà comunque inviata l’intera VIDEOREGISTRAZIONE che potrai riguardare tutte le volte che vuoi.
Progettazione di una dima chirurgica per prelievo di osso autologo con il software 3D gratuito "BlueSkyPlan"
Videocorso Teorico Practico | Dr. Luca Borro
Il corso vuole insegnare l'uso del software 3D BlueSkyPlan per la realizzazione di una dima chirurgica paziente specifica per il prelievo di un blocco di osso autologo da ramo mandibolare in casi di chirurgia implantare con rigenerazione ossea.
Online Course
Uso Del Software 3D Gratuito "BlueSkyPlan" Per Progettare Allineatori Ortodontici E Dime Chirurgiche Per Miniviti Ortodontiche
VIDEOREGISTRAZIONE del corso di: Sabato 13 Luglio 2024 | Dr. Luca Borro
BlueSkyPlan è l’unico software 3D di Ortodonzia Digitale e Chirurgia Guidata completamente gratuito e certificato CE per l’utilizzo clinico.
Questo è un corso di tipo tecnico-pratico riservato a soli 8 partecipanti.
Il corso vuole insegnare, a partire da zero, l’utilizzo di “BlueSkyPlan” per progettare setup ortodontici per la stampa 3D di modelli di termoformatura di allineatori invisibili e la progettazione di dime chirurgiche per miniviti ortodontiche.
Online Course On Demand
Orthodontics Course
Individual Online Course On Demand | Dr. David Ovidiu - Tiberiu
Brief presentation of CBCT software on the market and dicom and stl file types.
Dicom file types: singleframe and multiframe
Conditions for obtaining an stl acquisition usable in creating orthodontic setup
Explanation of Blue Sky Plan software workflows importing STL-s to STL export of the clear aligners.
Each participant will have his own laptop and mouse. Software package included, will be installed through remote connection with AnyDesk on trainee PC prior the event.
Price: 300 €, 6 free exports, software instal
Date: On request scheduled on: . Course duration 3 hours.
Assistance in installing the software and obtaining the 6 free exports and then free technical support for the realization of clear aligners projects. Additional aligner digital design (orthodontic set up) realization will be 100 € / two jaws.
Language: english or romanian.
Location: Online on Zoom. The course will be recorded and at the end of it each participant will receive a copy of it
Online Course
Exclusive 1-1 Training on Guided Surgery
Online | On Demand | Mr. Sudeep Paul
Become a master of BLUESKYPLAN software
• You will get the knowhow to fabricate your own Surgical guide in-house.
• Eliminates the wastages of time with efficient and reliable process.
• Achieve the desired accuracy in your Guided Implant Surgery.
• Be part of of the latest innovation in global dental industry