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The Denture Module Page

Denture Module Courses:
Recommended Printer:
Recommended Resin:
NextDent Denture Base
Provisional Denture Base Resin, 1 Liter
Form 3B+
Designed to produce dimensionally-accurate implants, guides and templates from biocompatible resins.

Denture Teeth:

NobilDent Denture Teeth
2-Layer Anterior and Posterior
Recommended desktop scanner:
Shinning 3D Scanner
Camera resolution:
Scanning Range: 100mm*100mm*75mm
Triple Tray Scan
by Cory Glenn
Gingiva Shades:
Anaxgum Gingiva Shades
The most natural, life-like pink composite on the market.
Recommended Bur for Reduction Coping:
Teeth can be secured into the reduction coping using sticky tack / silly putty to keep the teeth secured into the socket.
Teeth that protrude through the reduction coping can be reduced using a bur (the HedgeHog Bur from Parkell is recommend)