The following command lines were built into the Blue Sky Plan software to enable other softwares to launch Blue Sky Plan and pass STL and DICOM information.
1) Open Blue Sky Plan and Load a DICOM set:
BlueSkyPlan3.exe "C:\mydata\dicomdataset"
2) Open Blue Sky Plan and Load a DICOM set and STL file:
BlueSkyPlan.exe "C:\Users\spanel\MyDicomDir\MyDicomSet.dcm" "C:\Users\spanel\MyDicomDir\MyModel.stl"
3) Open Blue Sky Plan and Load a Zipped Folder with a DICOM Set and STL File
BlueSkyPlan.exe "C:\Users\spanel\MyDicomSetWithSTL.zip"
4) Open Blue Sky Plan and Load STL Files:
BlueSkyPlan.exe "C:\MyDir\MyModel.stl" "C:\MyDir\MyModel.stl" "C:\MyDir\MyModel.stl"
Supported command line arguments
Standalone options:
"path to project\project.bsb"
"path to dicom set\"
"path to compressed dicom set\somfile.zip"
"path to dicom file\somefile.dcm"
"path to image\somefile.jpg" *
"path to license file\license.bsblic"
"path to stl file\somefile.stl" **
* Images will be loaded only in cephalometry mode.
** Multiple models are allowed.
Project type options:
--modelediting model editing project
--surgicalguide surgical guide and implant planning
--cephalometry cephalometric project
--bridge bridge design
--crown conventional crown deign
--ticrown crown for titanium base
--denture denture design
--aligners orthodontic aligners planning
--brackets2teeth IBT with brackets to teeth
--brackets2wire IBT with brackets to wire
Carestream import options:
--import-cs-3d "path to xml/zip/folder" import carestream exported data
--delete-cs-3d delete carestream data after import
Cephalometry options for X-Ray images:
--frontal "path to image\somfile.jpg" load frontal image
--lateral "path to image\somfile.jpg" load Iateral image
--name set patient name in cephalometry mode
--birthdate set birth date in cephalometry mode
--description set description in cephalometry mode
--sex set patient sex in cephalometry mode
--patientid set patient id cephalometry mode
Questions? Contact plan@blueskybio.com