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Upcoming In Person Courses

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Entry Point™ Course: Live Patient Treatment

Roseman University, South Jordan, Utah | October 11-12, 2024 | Dr. Barry Hillam

Our Live Patient Treatment course is the heart of the Entry Point™ experience.

Our live patient treatment courses are the single most effective step you can take in integrating dental implants into your own practice. This 22 CE course is book-ended with treatment planning and debrief sessions that offer tremendous additional value; in addition to learning more from your own cases, you will learn a wide variety of information from your colleagues. We invite you to join us.


Planificación 3D & Cirugía Guiada

Cambados ( España) | October 4-5, November 29-30 | Dr. Xulio Pouso


- Quieres dominar el Escáner Intraoral, CBCT...
- Mejorar la Planificación 3D con un
- Software Libre de casa de implantes.
- Mejorar la precisión de tus tratamientos.
- Reduce el tiempo de sillón de tus pacientes.
- Tratamientos mínimamente invasivos.
- Deja que tu prótesis sea quien te guie tus implantes.
- Coloca implantes en zonas de mayor compromiso y con más seguridad.
- Consigue mejor estabilidad en los implantes post extracción.
- Tener preparada la carga inmediata.
- Poder tener pilares de cicatrización customizados.


Conscious Implant Training

Dominican Republic | November 11-13, 2024 | Dr. Asha Rani, Dr. Billy Graves

An in-person, 3-day, patient-centered implant experience.

In this 3-day training, we focus on honing the skills and intuition required to treatment plan and place implants on patients successfully - while maintaining a holistic, total health approach!


Entry Point™ Course: Live Patient Treatment

Roseman University, South Jordan, Utah | December 6-7, 2024 | Dr. Barry Hillam

Our Live Patient Treatment course is the heart of the Entry Point™ experience.

Our live patient treatment courses are the single most effective step you can take in integrating dental implants into your own practice. This 22 CE course is book-ended with treatment planning and debrief sessions that offer tremendous additional value; in addition to learning more from your own cases, you will learn a wide variety of information from your colleagues. We invite you to join us.

Online Course On Demand

Denture Magic: 3 Step Dentures

Online | On Demand | Dr. Russell Schafer

This 90-minute online course is designed to turn the normally frustrating and unpredictable process of denture creation into a simple, streamlined, and more profitable aspect of your practice, all while delivering better outcomes for your patients. Also Dr. Schafer includes the files to 3d Print your own denture trays to do your own 3 Step dentures as well as has a video to show how to use Blue Sky Plan to design dentures.


Progettazione di una dima chirurgica per prelievo di osso autologo con il software 3D gratuito "BlueSkyPlan"

Videocorso Teorico Practico | Dr. Luca Borro

Il corso vuole insegnare l'uso del software 3D BlueSkyPlan per la realizzazione di una dima chirurgica paziente specifica per il prelievo di un blocco di osso autologo da ramo mandibolare in casi di chirurgia implantare con rigenerazione ossea.

Online Course

Exclusive 1-1 Training on Guided Surgery

Online | On Demand | Mr. Sudeep Paul 

Become a master of BLUESKYPLAN software

• You will get the knowhow to fabricate your own Surgical guide in-house.

• Eliminates the wastages of time with efficient and reliable process.

• Achieve the desired accuracy in your Guided Implant Surgery.

• Be part of of the latest innovation in global dental industry


If you have any questions please post the question to the Blue Sky Support Group


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